Interview Prepping
Let us help you prepare for your interview. Our interview preparation includes a 30-45 minute phone, Skype, or in-person consultation with one of our interview experts. Have questions about how to prepare for the most common interview question, how to answer some of the most difficult interview questions, or even on what to wear?
How to prepare for an Interview ?
When preparing for an interview, you’ve got to do more than know how to respond to tough interview questions. You also have to ask some of your own – so you can find out if the job, your potential boss, and the company are the right fit for you.
Beyond that, hiring managers expect you to ask good questions. If you don’t, they’ll be less-than-impressed by your preparation.

It’s the stuff of nightmares. You’re in the middle of an interview, answering questions with ease. Suddenly, the hiring manager throws out a curveball question. You either don’t know the answer or aren’t quite sure how to respond.

Your interview is over, but that doesn’t mean your work is done. You still need to follow up with a thank you letter. Why is this so important? Because not sending one can be a deal-breaker for some hiring managers.

Ever wonder why you can get the interview, but not the job?
Qualifications will often land the interview, but executing a successful meeting requires more than just possessing the right skills for the job. Whether your interview skills are rusty, it’s not something you enjoy, or for reasons you’re unaware of your interviews are not landing you the job, we can help. The average length of an interview is ~40 minutes, but some studies have shown that recruiters and hiring managers make their decision within the first two minutes of the interview.
We’ll find the job that’s right for you.